
This post originally stated that this was going to be a blog about information security but I decided to expand the topic of this blog to anything technology related, so you can see the edited version below.


As this is the first post on this blog, I feel like it is important to discuss what you will be able to find here as time goes on. While the length, detail, and formality of entries here will vary greatly, all of the content here will focus on technology. Obviously this is a broad topic, but my intent is for the topic to be broad. I will be writing about anything that catches my interest in the realm of technology.

I want to welcome people of all skill levels to read this blog and discuss the posts. We all have our own areas of expertise and it's always best to learn from each other whenever possible.

I have also begun to maintain a collection of files on this site related to technology. This collection will also range in content, but as the collection grows I will make sure to change the organization as necessary. For now, please take a look at the presentation I posted about the basics of information security. I recently gave this presentation to a small group of lawyers who needed more information about security principles in order to understand HIPAA compliance matters and the presentation was very well received.